Detoxio AI
Detoxio AI
Why did we build Detoxio AI? 2 Problems in GenAI Cybersecurity

Why did we build Detoxio AI? 2 Problems in GenAI Cybersecurity

While chatting with a friend on a Walk, we found our WHY !!!

While working on AI products, we noticed a critical gap in security for Generative AI (GenAI) models.

There are primarily two main problems:

Lack of Awareness: People don't understand what secure GenAI looks like. Unlike traditional cybersecurity, GenAI threats are subtler. Think fake news, biased content, or manipulated users – all undetectable by the naked eye.

Limited Security Tools: Existing tools rely on biased datasets, making them easily bypassed by GenAI models. These tools can't identify truly malicious prompts.

Our solution?
Detoxio AI, It's a platform that acts like an automated "ethical hacker" for GenAI. Experts provide seed information, and Detox uses that knowledge to generate malicious prompts specifically designed to test a GenAI app's and LLM safety and security weaknesses.

Detoxio AI helps us understand how GenAI apps can be misused and ensure they're developed responsibly.

Stay tuned for more on how Detoxio AI works!


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Detoxio AI
Detoxio AI
Making GenAI Safe and Reliable for Enterprises